The Jefferson Memorial was the perfect engagement location for Krystal and Carlo. We had such an amazing time while there. We started the engagement shoot off at City Center, in Washington, D.C. a popular place in the city to take photos. By the time we moved to the Jefferson Memorial we were in full swing! Designed by John Russell Pope in 1925, the Jefferson Memorial is an imposing sandstone monument. The architectural style makes for a timeless and classic backdrop for an engagement shoot.
Washington D.C. City Center
For the Washington DC part of the shoot, the couple wore red and black contrasting outfits, with Krystal in red heels and Carlo is a red top. I love shooting in the streets of Washington! The city provides a great backdrop for couple portraits.
I love the color pop of Krystal’s bright yellow dress against the sandstone of the Jefferson Memorial. It always makes for a lovely shoot when couples decide to dress up and go out for an engagement shoot at one of our National Monuments.