National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity Photos

The National Gallery of Art is a national art museum in Washington, D.C. located in National Mall. I had the opportunity to photograph an engagement and maternity shoot at the same time. Monique and Shea were ready for the challenge and so was I!  We started early in the morning and finished right before the museum was busy and I felt good about the shoot.
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos

National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity

National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos

There is something about doors that I really like, and the National Gallery of Art West Building has some amazing large doors.
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos -Doors
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
Monique wore the perfect color dress to compliment the art at the National Gallery of Art. The Blue Chicken is called Hahn/Cock.

National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos Hahn/Cock

National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos

Shea is a Metropolitan Police Officer so we took the time to take a photo by an SUV by the National Gallery of Art.

National Gallery of Art Maternity and Engagement Photos
National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity
National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity
National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity
National Gallery of Art Engagement and Maternity
National Gallery of Art Photos
National Gallery of Art Engagement and MaternityTo view more of my maternity work visit my personal website.

I love engagement shoots and check out one of my other shoots.

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